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Tico: a colloquial term for a Costa Rican native

Fusion cuisine: a combination of various forms of cookery… different cuisines of a region into a single eating experience… dishes alongside one another and offering dishes that are inspired combinations …quality and creativity …a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them…dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas…a form based on one cuisine, but prepared using ingredients and flavors inherent to another cuisine or cuisines.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I begin the journey...
*1) THE DECISION: I could have bought canned Garbanzo beans...but why? when I don't have to. I'm thinking this is healthier without the preservatives?

*2) THE GARBANZO BEANS: I googled "how to cook garbanzo beans in a slow cooker"
I found this: http://freshslowcooking.com/88/cooking_chickpeas_in_your_crock-pot
Cooking dry chickpeas (or other dry beans) in your slow cooker is as easy as it gets. It also has many advantages over using canned beans. If you have a large slow cooker, you can cook big batches and freeze them in ‘can-size’ portions to make them convenient too.

Cooking Chickpeas in Your Slow Cooker
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in 16 cups (4L) of cold water.
Soak 1 pound (2½ cups) dry chickpeas in the salted water overnight in a covered bowl or pot.
In the morning, drain the water and rinse the chickpeas. Place them in your slow cooker, cover them with about 1-inch of water and cook until tender. Low for 8-10 hours or high for 4-5 hours.

Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo

I started with the AllRecipes "To Die For" and "Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo", and...:
- Used half a stick of butter (somewhere between healthier and richer)
- 5 cloves on garlic
- Took out the shrimp after 12 minutes
- Put 1/2 cup white wine at the end
- Mixed the pasta, then put the shrimp back on top...looks better for presentation as well!

Great with!
- Boiled carrots with butter & lime
- Toasted buttered Toasties

Sunday, January 20, 2013

TEA: Agua Fresca - Jamaica Hibiscus

I googled "Agua Fresca- Jamaica Hibiscus" and found this:


  • 10*3/4 cups water (I couldn't find my 1 cup)
Boiled with:
  • 1/2 cup sugar, or 1/4 brown sugar cone
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • a few bits of ginger to give it a zing

  • Remove from heat and throw in the prepared ~10*3/4 cups Jamaica Hibiscus
  • Let sit overnight or longer in the fridge before straining
  • Mix with optional soda for a bubbly delight




Drinking a tea made from a standardized hibiscus flower extract may lower mild to moderate hypertension. 


Jamaica flower tea has antioxidant properties and is a source of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Antioxidants are important for protecting your cells and organs from harmful free radicals.



You can use it as a diuretic, a laxative or a digestive supplement. A diuretic increases the excretion of water from the body through elevating the rate of urination. A laxative induces bowel movements to help loosen stool, and you can take it to relieve constipation. A digestive supplement catalyzes the body's digestive system and enhances the normal digestive process.

I got distracted from task, and also found this beautiful flower when I searched.