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Tico: a colloquial term for a Costa Rican native

Fusion cuisine: a combination of various forms of cookery… different cuisines of a region into a single eating experience… dishes alongside one another and offering dishes that are inspired combinations …quality and creativity …a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them…dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas…a form based on one cuisine, but prepared using ingredients and flavors inherent to another cuisine or cuisines.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

BATCHING for 5-bean salad...ALSO: Hummus, Chili, Black bean side

How many dishes can I cook here?...all working towards the 5-bean salad

DAY 1: Garbanzo

  • night before - soak 1 package Garbanzos
  • Slow cook


  • That night, make hummus. 
    • Enjoy some now
    • Put some in a container for rest of week
    • Freeze the rest to enjoy next week or in 2 weeks.
  • Save some for the 5-bean salad
  • Freeze the rest of the Garbanzos - good for green-leaf salads

DAY 2: Red kidney beans - 2 packages


Kidney + Coconut Dessert

DAY 3: Black beans - 2 packages

Side for breakfast & meals

DAY 4: White beans - 1 package

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