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Tico: a colloquial term for a Costa Rican native

Fusion cuisine: a combination of various forms of cookery… different cuisines of a region into a single eating experience… dishes alongside one another and offering dishes that are inspired combinations …quality and creativity …a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them…dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas…a form based on one cuisine, but prepared using ingredients and flavors inherent to another cuisine or cuisines.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

RECIPE: Hainanese Chicken Rice

This meal is so healthy, and the flavor so simple, I can eat this for many days without getting bored.
I learned about this dish from my mom, but since she didn't really follow a recipe, I decided to look it up:


Ginger, 3 inches grated
Garlic, 6 cloves, diced in food processor
Cilantro leaves - the long ones - 6 chopped
1 tsp salt


Chayote - boil at the same time
Broccoli - boil 20 minutes before


I may try to puree in my food processor next time, but I'll do it the way I think my mom did it, which is finely chopped.

  • green onions diced, 2 stalks without the dark green parts
  • garlic diced, 2 tsp, about 5 cloves, equal part to the green onions
  • Easy on the ginger until you are sure you like this taste
  • 20 shakes of salt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • Lime juice
Other ideas:

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