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Tico: a colloquial term for a Costa Rican native

Fusion cuisine: a combination of various forms of cookery… different cuisines of a region into a single eating experience… dishes alongside one another and offering dishes that are inspired combinations …quality and creativity …a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them…dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas…a form based on one cuisine, but prepared using ingredients and flavors inherent to another cuisine or cuisines.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

RECIPE: Double French Toast con Pina

Cook 2 slices of bread as you would normally do for French Toast. I prefer to slice a French bread.
On one slice, spread softened cream cheese.
On the other slice, spread Pineapple Jam to make it TicoFUSION.
Put slices together with cream cheese & Pineapple Jam on the inside.
Sprinkle confectioner sugar on top.
Bake at 300 for 15 minutes or until the cream cheese melts inside.
Serve with Maple syrup. I like to use the one from my friend's farm in Vermont :-)
Eat with TicoFUSION coffee (that's another post for another day!)

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