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Tico: a colloquial term for a Costa Rican native

Fusion cuisine: a combination of various forms of cookery… different cuisines of a region into a single eating experience… dishes alongside one another and offering dishes that are inspired combinations …quality and creativity …a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them…dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas…a form based on one cuisine, but prepared using ingredients and flavors inherent to another cuisine or cuisines.

Friday, November 23, 2012

RECIPE: Fried Rice with a shrimp flavor

This recipe was totally by accident! I put shrimp seasoning in my rice cooker when I meant to put Safron...to go with our rosemary baked chicken. But, I think I can make it work...breakthroughs happen from breakdowns!

These ingredients are what I happen to have at home.
- Beat 2 eggs & fry with thinly sliced onions. Set aside.
- Fry in oil: diced garlic, diced carrots, chopped ham, pineapple
- Put the cooked rice-mistake which had shrimp seasoning and diced mushrooms
- Soy and sesame oil to taste
- Add egg & frozen peas
- No need to add salt because shrimp seasoning is salty enough

I was inspired by the following recipes.
I googled "ham pineapple fried rice recipe" and "recipe for shrimp fried rice"

Saturday, November 3, 2012

RECIPE: Double French Toast

This was inspired by a breakfast we had in the Gravenstein Inn, Mendocino CA area back in the early 1990s.

This breakfast goes very well with TicoFusion(tm) coffee!

Starting with the AllRecipes.com recipes:

Caramelized French Toast:


Creme Brulee French Toast: 

  • Pre-heat oven 350 degrees F
  • Beat together:
    • 3 eggs
    • 1/4 cup milk
    • 1/8 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1/4 tsp orange liqueur
    • pinch of salt
  • Dip bread in egg mixture and fry in 1TB butter, Medium heat (no more than dial-4)
  • In baking dish, mix & melt in oven while pre-heating:
    • 1/3 brown sugar
    • 2 tsp corn syrup
  • Lay 1 bread slice, spread cream cheese.
  • TicoFusion(tm) time! Speared local jam like pineapple or Mangostene from neighbor Caroline's tree.
  • Lay the other bread slice on top - the DOUBLE french toast!
  • Bake for 20 minutes.

Double the recipe for 5 people!

  • Each gets 2 double french toasts with a small/medium sized baguette.
  • When dipping in the egg mixture, don't dip too long or it will get soggy.
  • Use the Del Prado queso crema(cream cheese) 220 grams.

Buen provecho!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

RECIPE: Spinach and artichoke/hearts of palm dip for slow cooker

Well...it's almost impossible to find artichokes in CR. So what to substitute with?
This is what I chose because these are easy to get in CR!
palm hearts
...and I added to the list: Chayote!

GOOD RESOURCE FOR SUBS: http://www.foodsubs.com

red,yellow,green,orange peppers,spinach,palm hearts,avocado,

or broccoli.

MEAL: Fish Tostada and Cilantro sauce, with Watercress and Hearts of Palm

He was expecting a tipico Fish Taco, and boy was he very delightfully surprised!
This meal had a lot of exquisite parts, all essential to the final package delivering this wonderful ymminess.

  • Fish fried in butter 
  • Tostada - a Mexican fried tortilla and the dish based on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tostada
  • Cilantro cream sauce on top of the Fish
  • Watercress and Hearts of Palm dressed in a Vinigarette dressing


Depending on fish, you may need to:
- cut in strips
- increase heat to high to brown


This is what I used after Googling "" because it was the easiest, and I knew there were so many other tastes in the meal. I added 1/4 tsp of cumin.
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped
2 green onions, chopped
4 teaspoons lime juice

I also looked at these recipes that I could try in the future:

- In this recipe, I used the Cumin, and I might use the cream cheese next time to make it a dip: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/amys-cilantro-cream-sauce/


This is the recipe I used, and TicoFusioned it!

4 blood oranges - SUBSTITUTE with mango or Star Fruit
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 (14 ounce) can hearts of palm
one small shallot - SUBSTITUTE with onion+garlic, or http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080224083313AAkE7rg
one bunch watercress
1/2 teaspoon large flaked sea salt

I also looked at these recipes that I could try in the future:

- Interesting with corn & olives:
- Too much going on here, and it used cilantro again, not watercress:

Monday, October 15, 2012


Pipelines have been good for sales. We've also used them to manage fruits so there is a perfectly ripened fruit each day. Now let's see how it looks like when planning meals!

I love to cook, but if I had to cook every meal, then i would spend more than half my life in this hot kitchen (I exaggerate). And then I won't have time to do my other jobs. So, I've designed a system where:
- I cook enough for 3 meals
- 1 meal is eaten fresh, the other 2 days later, and the 3rd is immediately frozen to be eaten in a week (a healthy frozen dinner)....space it out so we don't get bored of the same meal day after day.
- The meal does not take that much longer to prepare if 3 times the size. And if the meal is time-consuming to prepare, then the time spent delivers more value.
- The meal freezes and thaws well.
- Alternate...do a recipe once every month or so, and not more often,
- Introduce 1 newly prepared side dish when there is a left-over; e.g. salad.

- Spaghetti sauce...then use this with different recipes like: Mexican Starw Hat, Chili beans, etc.
- Tuna casserole...and other casseroles
- Lasagna
- Moussaka
- Hainanese Chicken
- BBQ Chicken
- Curry dishes with Pork & Chicken
- Red Stuffed peppers and spinach
- Sauces for baked fish like: leek and butter
- Salad toppings like: caramelized beets (ginger, etc)
- I need more ideas or I will get bored!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

SMOOTHIE: Pineapple & celery

RECIPE: Broccoli Salad



1 Bring a large pot of water, salted with a teaspoon of salt, to a boil. Add the broccoli florets. Cook 1-2 minutes, depending on how crunchy you want the broccoli. 1 minute will turn the broccoli bright green, and leave it still pretty crunchy. 2 minutes will cook the broccoli through, but still firm. Set your timer and do not cook for more than 2 minutes, or the broccoli will get mushy. Drain the broccoli and immediately put into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Let cool and drain.


  • 5 to 6 cups fresh broccoli florets
  • 1/2 cup raisins..I substituted with sweet corn
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup cooked, crumbled bacon..I substituted with beef jerky
  • 1/4 cup of red onion, chopped
  • 1 cup of frozen peas, thawed, optional...I could have used canned beans
  • .
  • Dressing:
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar, or to taste...or 1/4 cup honey

And this is the TicoFusion(tm) DELIGHT:

- Boil the broccoli
- It's hard to get good bacon in CR...so I used beef jerky
- No peas

RECIPE: Fish with butter, lemongrass and ginger

I liked this dish because of the fine flavors, it's a simple taste (but not boring, though it took a lot of time to chop), and it's healthy!

I used this recipe:


Then did my TicoFusion(tm) variations:

- I sued Cabrilla which is a type of grouper. Turns out Cabrilla might be better for baking because it was breaking up. I did like the texture.
- Microwave the carrots for 2 minutes in butter, so that it is soft
- If the fish cooks quickly because it is thin, then cook everything but the fish, almost-reduce the sauce before cooking the fish in the almost-reduced sauce. Let the fish cook in the sauce to get the fine flaovrs.
- I doubled the sauce because I like sauce, and added extra carrots to have more veggies.

You might be interested in this:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

RECIPE: Hainanese Chicken Rice

This meal is so healthy, and the flavor so simple, I can eat this for many days without getting bored.
I learned about this dish from my mom, but since she didn't really follow a recipe, I decided to look it up:


Ginger, 3 inches grated
Garlic, 6 cloves, diced in food processor
Cilantro leaves - the long ones - 6 chopped
1 tsp salt


Chayote - boil at the same time
Broccoli - boil 20 minutes before


I may try to puree in my food processor next time, but I'll do it the way I think my mom did it, which is finely chopped.

  • green onions diced, 2 stalks without the dark green parts
  • garlic diced, 2 tsp, about 5 cloves, equal part to the green onions
  • Easy on the ginger until you are sure you like this taste
  • 20 shakes of salt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • Lime juice
Other ideas:

RECIPE: Cabbage, ginger and sesame stir fry

I used this recipe:

I don't think I like the ginger.
Good article on Coriander Substitute (Cillantro / culantro):

We will be using this cabbage with the Fish Tacos, and as a side dish with the Hainanese Chicken.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

GARDEN2TABLE RECIPE: Garlic Rosemary Roast Chicken

I used this recipe:
I used Rosemary freshly picked from the garden!

Silly me...I put the garlic and rosemary in softened butter thinking I would make it tastier, but now I have a lot of fat since the chicken skin also produced lots of oil juice. So next time, I will just follow the recipe.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tres Leches - translating the instructions

I got a packet for the cake, but the directions are in Spanish.

cdas de agua = tbsp water
1) agregue = add
el agua a un tazon
= water to a bowl

2) mezcle = mix
a velocidad alta para incorporar aire a la mezcla y que esta queda espesa
= at high speed to incorporate air into the mixture and this is thick

3) hornee = bake
previamente engrasado = greased

4) preparacion = preparation
enfriar el queque y usarlo con un tenedor. Revuelva todas las leches y virtalas sobre el queque. Decore con merengue o chantilly
= Cool the cake and use it with a fork. Stir milk and virtalas all over thecake. Decorate with meringue or whipped

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cris' Flan

So, what do you do when your vacation rental neighbors leave you with all their eggs that they didn't use up during their vacation? The REAL Flan with just egg yolks!

I start with this recipe from filipinofoodrecipes.net: and have some variations from Cris.

1 CDM medium aluminum bowl, and the small bowl.

In the CDM aluminum bowls that will be used for the flans.
10TB sugar w/ 1 tsp water in the medium bowl.
5-7TB sugar w/ 1 tsp water in the medium bowl.

Never too much caramel - I always feel like there's never enough served in the restaurants. So, in my house, I put a lot!!!
You'll have a lot to caramelize sides of bowl. Let cool so caramel hardens before pouring mixture.
Bring to a boil just a few minutes to caramelize. Do NOT scorch.

Mix the 2 milks, egg yolks and vanilla in the CDM large bowl. Use just one container.
Pour into mould after caramel cools/hardens, then cover with aluminum foil.

STEAM THE FLAN FOR 50 MINUTES (20 minutes for 1.5 inches thick)
Double-boil in the CDM large+medium pots.

Cool > refrigerate > loosen > turn upside down & serve.

Ramos Fizz Recipe using Vodka instead of Gin

I started with this recipe from www.chow.com:
  • 2 ounces gin...use vodka instead
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 ounce heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons superfine sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange flower water...use 2 to 3 tsp Triple Sec
  • Cold club soda
  1. Vigorously shake the gin, lemon juice, lime juice


Read more about it at www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,183,146167-249206,00.html
Content Copyright © 2012 Cooks.com - All rights reserved.
1 tsp. orange water
1 (8 oz.) can lemonade
1 can vodka
1 can half and half
1 egg white
1 tsp. vanilla
8 ice cubes


  • I googled "mixed drinks with egg whites"

  • I googled "substitutes for Orange flower water" and got http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/Dictionary/O/Orange-flower-water-5759.aspx
For 1/2 tsp orange flower water substitute 1 to 2 drops orange oil OR 2 to 3 tsp orange liqueur such as Triple Sec

Tico substitutions: replacing hard to find ingredients with local cheap Costa Rican ingredients

This is about replacing hard to find or expensive ingredients with local cheap Costa Rican ingredients.

Ricotta = Turralba Tipico queso blanco. I prefer the Monte Verde brand over Don Pinos.

Spinach Frittata using egg whites - real simple recipe

I start with this recipe from recipes.sparkpeople.com real simple recipe:

I add canned sweet corn, tomato left over from a salad.
Eat with corn tortilla chips and salsa.

Cris' Flan

So, what do you do when your vacation rental neighbors leave you with all their eggs that they didn't use up during their vacation?

  • The REAL Flan with just egg yolks!
  • Ramos Fizz using egg whites
  • Frittata using egg whites

I start with this recipe from filipinofoodrecipes.net: and have some variations from Cris.

In the CDM medium aluminum bowl that will be used for the flan.
15TB sugar w/ 1 tsp water: Never too much caramel - I always feel like there's never enough served in the restaurants. So, in my house, I put a lot!!!
You'll have a lot to caramelize sides of bowl. Let cool so caramel hardens before pouring mixture.
Bring to a boil just a few minutes to caramelize. Do NOT scorch.

Mix the 2 milks, egg yolks and vanilla in the CDM large bowl. Use just one container.
Pour into mould after caramel cools/hardens, then cover with aluminum foil.

STEAM THE FLAN FOR 40 MINUTES because it is thick
Double-boil in the CDM large pot.
Open-air do not cover.
Make sure bottom of mould does not touch pot - it floats.

Cool > refrigerate > loosen > turn upside down & serve.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cream Cheese Frosting for Carrot Cake

For the frosting:
1 pound (450g) creamcheese, at roomtemperature
4 oz (110g) unsalted butter, at roomtemperature
2-3 cups (240-360g) powdered sugar, sifted
a few drops of vanilla extract

beat the creamcheese and butter together until smooth. Slowly add the
powdered sugar (do this on low speed to avoid a dust cloud) and mix until light and silky. Add the


1 8 oz (250g) package creamcheese, softened
1/4 cup (60 mL) butter, softened
1/2 tsp (2 mL) vanilla
1 cup (250 mL) icing sugar

In bowl, beat creamcheese with butter until smooth. Beat in vanilla. Beat in icing sugar, one-third at a
time, until smooth. Spread over top of cake.

1 US stick of butter = 0.5 US cups...One stick is equal to 1/2 a cup

Sunday, February 19, 2012

DRINK: Starfruit, ginger, lemongrass & lime...inspired by S&B

1 cup ginger: peeled and chopped
1/3 cup lemmongrass: dry tops and tough outer leaves removed, stalk cut into small rounds (about 6 small stalks)
1 cup sugar
1 cup, plus 6 cups, plus 6 cups water

In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, 1 cup water, lemongrass and ginger. Bring to a boil over mediumhigh
heat, stirring to the dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat
and allow the lemongrass and ginger to steep in the sugar syrup for at least half an hour.

For more pronounced flavor, place in the refrigerator and allow to steep several hours or overnight.

Strain the lemongrass ginger syrup through a small sieve, pressing on the solids to extract as much flavor as
possible. Discard the solids, and add the syrup to the pitcher of fruit.
Add 6 cups of cold water to the tea, and stir well. Chill the drink, and serve over ice. 

Prepare Starfruit in 6 cups water.

Devein star fruit by removing the tough fibrous rib that runs along each edge.
In a blender, puree star fruit with ginger/lemongrass syrup. Add ice, rum, and lime or orange juice.
Blend until cocktail is smooth and frothy. Pour into glasses, and serve.

Garnish with a slice of star fruit

Star Fruit Recipes: http://www.nikibone.com/recipe/fruit/starfruit.html

how to devein starfruit: http://www.marthastewart.com/335269/giovannas-star-fruit-cocktail

Saturday, January 7, 2012

WEEKLY PLAN: Almost Vegetarian, no red meat

Breakfast - TicoFUSION porridge, papaya, hard boiled egg, papa fria
Lunch - Tamarind Eggplant over spinach
Dinner - Dijon-Tarragon cream Chicken, Saffron rice with mushrooms

Dinner - Sinigang (Filipino-inspired Tamarind soup) w/ fish & various veggies


Dinner - BBQ chicken at our neighbor & I brought Tostada baked with white tipico cheese & tomato/basil & salad/basil w/ balsamic vinegarette dressing

Dinner - Tamarind chicken, garlic chayote stir fry, rice

RECIPE for SAUCE: Tamarindo Eggplant for Spinach saladETC

The Tamarindo sauce can be used for grilled eggplants and other veggies TBE (To Be Experimented)

Slice 1 inch eggplant
Then cut up.

Tamarindo sauce:
- In butter, saute diced 1/2 yellow onion & 2 garlic clove
- equal parts tamarindo juice concentrate and vinegar.

  • For 1 eggplant, use 1/3 cup each.
  • It not using tamarindo juice concentrat, then you can use balsamic to add sweetnes
- Boil, then add eggplant
- Simmer to reduce

Serving suggestions:

  • Over spinach salad slightly stir fried with olive oil
  • With fried pork chop

Sunday, January 1, 2012

MEAL: New Year 2012! Brunch

After sleeping in, and a cup of the TicoFUSION very special coffee blend, drink a Pipa very Fria (refrigerated overnight) to assist with the dehydration from the New Year's Eve Champagne.

Breakfast Burrito: on a flour tortilla

  • Brown rice and black beans mixed together with the black bean juice
  • Scrambled eggs with queso blanco tipico (or I would rather use cheddar cheese)
  • Salsa, Santa Cruz Chunky Medio
Pastry from Musanni, and the rest of that TicoFUSION very special coffee blend

Rest for a bit and have the Coconut Sherbet created day before, and now frozen ready to be blended.